Fusion Music Studio

Enrollment Agreement – Version 1

Last Updated – August 31, 2015

Studio Copy


Fusion Music Studio (FMS) operates on a Fall/Spring/Summer Semester Schedule. Fall (Sept - Dec) will have between 14-17 lessons while Spring (Jan - May) will have between 19-22 lessons. Please take note FMS observes select holidays and breaks which the Osceola School District also observes. However, holidays such as Patriot Day and Columbus Day are not observed and lessons will continue as scheduled.

During the Summer Semester, workshops, camps and/or lessons are offered to allow a bit more flexibility during this vacation time. The schedule for this will be announced by the beginning of April. Tuition for the entire summer semester must be paid for at the beginning of June. Students should plan to attend at least 5 - 8 lessons whether in workshop form or individualized. When a student takes part in Summer activities at FMS, they are guaranteed a spot in the Fall Semester. Students who take the Summer Semester off will be placed on a waiting list until students who participated in Summer Semester have been placed for Fall.

Remember: A student is allowed to make up one lesson per semester. There are no reimbursements or adjustments made for lessons unless the teacher cannot provide the lesson as scheduled.



FMS accepts Cash, Checks, Credit/Debit Cards (3.5% extra charge for using card as payment). Invoices will be delivered via email one week prior to due dates. Should invoice fail to be delivered, payment is still expected since pricing does not change from lesson to lesson. Please keep accurate records online of contact information as to never miss a notice. Tuition for the month is due on the lesson day during the first week of each month.
The only official reservation of your weekly slot at FMS is via your payment.

Each year, upon anniversary of initial enrollment, an enrollment fee will be collected for each student in addition to that month's tuition. Registration covers bookkeeping, website costs, scheduling, etc.

Tuition Does NOT include the cost of books or music.

Avoid Fees! $10 for late payments not received by end of first lesson of every month. $25 for non-sufficient funds with check payments. No lessons will be given without payment.



It is important to realize the lessons are reserved exclusively for the specified student during the specified slot. Extracurricular activities such as tutoring, dance classes, karate, sports, etc. do not offer refunds or adjustments for missed appointments and the same goes for music lessons. Not attending a lesson will count as a no show and the teacher will use that time to prepare for the students next lesson. Tuition is not just a payment for time spent with teacher. It helps cover business expenses that still exist whether student is present or not.

Students should not attend a lesson if they are sick. Life happens and we understand that events come up. Please provide the studio with at least 48 hour notice of any absence. Students are allowed one reschedule per semester. No shows forfeit their lessons and will not be offered a make-up lesson. If you are a no show more than 2 times in a semester, you will lose you slot in the FMS and will not be given a refund or reimbursement of any kind.

Always remember, communication is always welcomed and appreciated from all involved in this business relationship. Online video lessons may be available on a limited basis if unable to make a lesson. Subject to teacher approval.



  • Please arrive at least 5 minutes prior to your lesson time. Lesson time starts as soon as assigned time starts and will not be extended for late arrivals. If a student arrives early and teacher is available, lesson may begin early but will still only last the allocated time period.
  • We ask that parents remain in their vehicles or waiting area while lessons are conducted as to not distract the student. For children ages 4-7, parents may be asked by teacher to attend select lessons.
  • Student must arrive with all materials including books and CDs for lessons to be successful.



Any questions or comments for the teacher can be handled during the lesson time. You can also reach the teacher through the contact form or by email at any time. Calls can be taken no earlier than 9am and no later than 8pm. Texts and email are preferred.



  • Students should have a properly tuned and maintained piano or a full size, 88 key keyboard with weighted keys and sustain pedal. If you do not have one and/or are looking for options, talk to the teacher to have one suggested to you. The location of the piano in a home should be a place that is quiet with no distractions.
  • All students are asked to practice a minimum of 30 minutes 4-5 days a week. Students are responsible for keeping up with their assignments and practice logs online to prove satisfactory practice. It is important for parents to keep track of assignments and practice times of the student and to communicate any questions with the teacher.



A recital may be scheduled at any time during the year. During these events, a student will learn a song to perform in front of an audience either at the Studio, at a church or even for the family. This helps the student to build confidence and motivate them to practice even harder. Announcements about recitals will be given at least 2 months in advance.

Master Classes may also occur (mainly during the summer) so that students from the studio may come together and gain friendships but also work on assignments and projects that require problem solving and other techniques taught throughout the year. These will also be scheduled in advance and will substitute that week's individualized lesson.


Studio is closed at the following times:

  • Memorial Day
  • July 4
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Week
  • December 23 - January 2

Additional Breaks (Spring Break, Select Summer Days) may occur and will be announced in advance. During breaks or when teacher cancels lessons, group lessons may be offered to make up missed time or tuition may be prorated during breaks of 4 days or more. Prorates will be done at the discretion of the teacher.



We do not want to see our students leave, but we also understand that life happens and thus makes it necessary for students to move on. If ever there is a question or concern, PLEASE contact the studio and we will do our best to resolve the problem in a mutually beneficial way for all involved. Please give 1 month notice prior to last lesson so that the teacher can wrap up lessons appropriately with student and also find a replacement to avoid a loss of income. Failure to give this notice will result in a one month charge.

We at Fusion Music Studio seek to be fair to the client but also to the business. If at any time a client or student is determined by a teacher to not be taking their responsibilities in regards to policies, practice, payment, attendance, behavior, etc. seriously, student will be removed from schedule and no refunds will be given!

Always remember that communication is key and that we seek to keep all parties happy! Please help us in this regard, and we will do our best to meet your expectations.

In signing this agreement, the student and/or parent or guardian state that they understand the expectations and will follow the guidelines set forth within. When policies change, a new agreement will have to be signed in order to maintain enrollment.

Hope to have you as a client soon,
Shane Clarke
Fusion Music Studio