Fusion Music Studio

We are happy that you are interested in become a student of Fusion Music Studio! We strive to give you professional services and exceptional value. In order to provide the best experience possible for all parties involved, it is important to know the expectations of any student who is enrolled in our studio.

What you can expect of Teacher

  • Professional Demeanor 
  • Personalized Approach for Each Students Needs
  • Teach Effective Practice Methods
  • Arrange Performance Opportunities
  • Provide Positive Atmosphere and Encouragment to Each Student
  • Communication to Student and/or Parent/Guardian
  • Effecient Use of Time


What Teacher expects of Student and/or Parent Guardian

  • I understand that payment is due at the beginning of the month for all lessons (4-5 lessons based on month length). Payment can be made by cash, check or credit/debit cards by Visa, Master Card and American Express. There is an additional fee for using cards of 3.5% for every transaction charged. Late fees are $10 and are instituted if payment is not received by due date. Checks are to be made out to Shane Clarke. Fee for non-suffient funds will be $25 extra.
  • All students are required to pay a registration fee. Registration fee is $30 and will be charged upon enrollment. This fee is not refundable and will be charged on each anniversary of the student's participation in the stuio.
  • I understand that it is the responsibility of the student/parent/guardian to make purchase arrangements for all books and materials.
  • I agree that if student needs to cancel lessons for any reason I will inform the teacher in writing with a two week notice. Make up lesson will be offered based on availability of teacher. 
  • I understand that if I am sick or unable to make the lesson, I will contact the teacher immediately to reschedule. Only one make up will be issued in a 3 month period. A make up can consist of extended time at a future lesson or another day of the week at the teacher's discretion.
  • No payments are refundable. Make up lessons will be offered if within guidelines. 
  • I understand that No Shows and any cancellations within 24 hours of the lesson will not be made up. If student misses a lesson that cannot be made up, you will not receive a refund for the session.
  • I understand that if I am going on vacation or need to reschedule a lesson, I will need to inform the teacher in writing a minimum of two weeks in advance, so that arrangements may be made accordingly. For extended periods of time off, I will notify teacher in advance and understand that my time slot may be used by another student unless payment is made to hold the slot during absence. 
  • I understand that if I want to grow as a musician it is the student's responsibility to practice on a daily basis and that the recommended period is for an average of 30 minutes 5 days per week.
  • I understand that the more a student practices and the more dedicated the student is, the more progress the student will see.
  • I understand that the teacher may take a week off during spring break, two weeks to be decided in the summer, and the week of Christmas to New Year’s off each year. During a teacher break, payment will not need to be made.
  • I understand that my growth will come from practice, dedication and my willingness to learn.
  • A contract will need to be signed annually at registration time and/or when new student enrolled by parent/guardian or student (18 years and older) for lessons to begin/continue.